More about report sharing rules

The principles of sharing data within Atmolytics

Users should be able to freely share information with other users who need to see it. In doing so, they should not be able to:

1: Expose other users to information that they should not have access to.

2: Make hidden modifications to other users’ content.

There are some specific rules which Atmolytics applies when reports and report definitions are shared. Every user of the system is assigned a Role by their system administrator (in some cases a user may have multiple roles assigned to them). This role defines the type and level of permissions the user has when using Atmolytics.

Depending on the role they have, some users may not be permitted to share reports or report definitions. Some users may not be able to create their own reports or report definitions, but may be able to see reports that other users have created and shared with them, or generate reports from definitions that other users have created and shared with them.

These permissions can be set on an app-by-app basis, so a role may allow a user to create and share reports using one app, but in the case of another app, prevent them from creating or sharing reports, or viewing reports that another user tries to share with them.