Activity Counter

This App provides frequency counts of activities, the number of patients for whom an activity was undertaken, and the number of admissions/visits during which the activity was undertaken.

Any number of activities may be counted within a single report. For example:

  • How many care plans have been produced this quarter.
  • How many risk assessments were undertaken last month.
  • How many face-to-face contacts have taken place with a team or department.
  • How many patients had blood sugar readings during their admission/visit.

Its features allow you to:

  • Count occurrences, patients and admissions/visits in which the activity occurred.
  • Highlight items of most interest on a cover sheet.
  • Create a subgroup of patients for whom an activity either did or did not occur.
  • Check whether differences between cohorts are statistically significant.
  • Toggle between counts and percentages.