Atmolytics Release Notes v3.02

Version 3.02 Latest Features and Functionality

This document describes the additions and changes in functionality to Atmolytics in version 3.02 of the software. This release note describes changes to Atmolytics since V3.01. For Atmoforms customers, this release is compatible with V3.02.

A note about terminology

Atmolytics enables organisations to set the terminology used in the application to what they are most familiar with. For example, one organisation’s patients, admissions and reports may be another organisation’s service users, involvements and explorations.

Your organisation might use different terminology in their implementation of Atmolytics. In these release notes, we’ve used the terminology patients, admissions/visits and reports throughout.

Auto ETL - Metadata importer version check improvement

The package check is now carried out by the metadata importer before the ETL is run, preventing metadata being imported against the incorrect package.

The database link between Atmolytics Web database and Atmolytics Web Report Output database has been removed. This means there is no longer any technical reason for them to be on the same server. The Output parameter for Web DBUp is no longer required.

Bug Fixes

Builder\Auto ETL Version check failures are now displayed in the ETL Overview so that it is easier to diagnose failure reason.
Atmolytics\Reports The Favourite icon is disabled for obsolete reports in the Activity Center, to prevent them from being added as a favourite.
Atmolytics\Reports Fixed the ordering of subform questions in the Data Export App, so that they now sit in the correct order and with their respective headers.
Atmolytics\Reports Data Export, Activity Counter and All the Answers Reports that contain ‘one-of’ filters in their form filtering now correctly display the results, cloning these reports now correctly clones these filters.
Atmolytics\Reports Metadata fields (e.g. form completed date) exported using data export have had their formatting changed to: YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.uuu  to improve support for external tooling to correctly identify these fields as dates. 
Atmolytics\Reports The ‘Additional Fields’ checkboxes in ‘Data Export’ have been fixed so that they can each be selected.
Atmolytics\Reports A performance improvement has been made in QuickID when the system has many different Other Personal Details form definitions included.
Atmolytics\Infrastructure Dates without a time component are no longer shifted by time zone, ensuring dates across database tables remain consistent.
Atmolytics\Infrastructure Subforms are now set consistently in database tables when updating and inserting new data to stop child form id’s not being assigned when an existing subform is used.
Atmolytics\ETL Registration records were being assigned the parent AnswerId for Gender and not the AnswerOptionId within the database, causing differences in the counts in Cohort Discovery. The Atmoforms ETL will now correctly assign the AnswerOptionId for gender on the registration form when updating records. Existing incorrect records will be amended.
Atmolytics\ETL The validation scripts now uses standard face codes for validating indexed list answers to stop the scripts reporting record differences.
Atmolytics\ETL Validation scripts now report coding system data correctly when a service user is deactivated and reactivated.
Atmolytics\ETL Importing an older version of a form which has already been imported will no longer downgrade the form, or produce a an invalid form error.
Atmolytics\ETL Other Personal Details service user data records are now removed when the form has been superseded.
Atmolytics\ETL Occasionally, a race condition could appear causing the ETL to fail internally on phase 1. This race condition has now been removed.
Atmolytics\ETL If the “Synchronise reference data” step of the ETL fails, the ETL now reflects this in its overall status rather than just in the expanded view.
Atmolytics\Cohort insights The destructive button for deleting an insight when it has been marked as obsolete is now red.
Atmolytics\Cohort discovery Share button correctly re-enabled after selecting groups which had insight filters
Atmolytics\Cohort discovery Fixed issue where clicking ‘clear selected’ in Diagnosis and interventions filters caused any subsequent filters to not be saved
Atmolytics\Administration If the destructive forms process is run and fails on a shard, the changes are now rolled back rather than removed.
Atmolytics Form import - Manually importing forms via Housekeeping will resolve issue with columns referenced by index.
Atmolytics The ETL no longer fails when a subform is removed from a form.
Atmolytics Nightly job now ensures all caches are cleared overnight after insight cache was not clearing.
Group Manager\Quick ID Addressed a UI inconsistency between control of QuickId and strengthened the commitment to Protected Health Information (PHI) restrictions within Atmolytics.