Filter shift notes by Centre of Care

In version v37 of Care Partner, the option to filter shift notes based on ‘This centre of care’ or ‘All centres of care’ was removed. 

In v2022.2 we have reintroduced this feature, but with the ability to select specific centres of care to add to the report.

This filter only brings up the centres of care that the logged in user has access to. 

Any additional centres of care that have been marked to be included in the report will work in an additive way. Service User records brought back must have an open involvement with all centres of care selected. For example, in the screenshot above, this report will include contact records for Service Users with open Fadmoor, Derbados and Santa Rosa involvements. 

There is also a ‘Include all centres of care’ checkbox which will select all centres of care that the logged in user has access to.