The main search is found at the top of the screen. It allows you to search the entire Care Partner system for service users. 

Click on the main search bar and type the name of the person you are searching for. As you start to type, Care Partner autofilters allowing you to find the person you are looking for quickly and efficiently.

You can also search against the unique identifier.

When you find the service user you are looking for, select their row to be taken to their record. 

If you are unsuccessful in finding a service user an Advanced search can be performed, to do this click the magnifying glass or Advanced search link. This will also allow you to search against other criteria such as:

  • Forename
  • Middle name
  • Surname
  • Sex
  • Gender
  • Identifier
  • Date of Birth
  • Postcode

Following an advanced search, your search results will be displayed.

Where data items have not been recorded for a service user, these will be displayed as Missing.

Click on the service user’s name to be taken to their record.

If the search results do not return the service user record you are looking for, edit your search criteria and search again. Click on Edit Search.

If the service user does not exist on the system you will need to Register the service user on the system.