Example: Second level admin - Authorised Assessor

When Advanced Security is turned on, no staff will be able to close an Activity unless they’ve been given a Security Role, Access Principle and Access Control.

Some organisations only allow managers and supervisors to approve or sign-off forms completed by Junior Roles or Students before they are closed.

If this is the case, Admin will have to create roles for Authorised Assessor, so any Staff can create an Activity/Form but only the Authorised Assessor role can close them.

To set this up, add the following:

Role name: Authorised Assessor

Access Principle title: Can close Activities.

Description: Assessors with permissions to close Activities.

Click on the Access Principle name to edit and assign the Role.

Next, set up the Access Control, starting with the Access Control Tree.

Click on the + to expand the Activities Module and the Activities Module Activity Page.

Then select Activities Module Activity Page Close Button. Click on the individual row and turn on for the Access Principle Can Close Activities.