Common pathway terms

The definitions provided here give a broad overview of the concepts used by Pathways in Care Partner.

Term Definition
Care Pathway (or simply Pathway) Defines a process by which evidence may be provided to demonstrate that a set of procedures have been followed or a set of tasks completed for, or by, a service user.
Pathway Definition A set of rules which describe the route a User is allowed to take through a Pathway. The definition can be imported like a form and is stored in the database.
Stage Pathways are made up of Stages, which are executed in a pre-defined order. Stages comprise some common features such as name and sequence order.
Stage Type - Standard Consists of one or more Tasks which must be completed in order before the Stage may be marked as complete.
Task Stages are made up of one or more Tasks. A Task comprises a title and description along with some details to be filled out which evidence the Task’s completion. There are two types of Tasks, they are Associate Activity and Default Task.
Task Type - Default Default Tasks allow you to specify if the Task was completed and if not, give a reason why. You do not have to associate an Activity to these Tasks.
Task Type – Associate Activity Associate Activity will allow you to link a closed Activity to the Pathway. This can be used as evidence that something has been done within a Pathway. It could be a letter of referral from a team, a letter of appointment, or the final Assessment for the service user. You cannot complete this type of Task without associating an Activity.
Complete Task A Task that has been completed as required. Select the date and time that the Task was completed. If the Task type is Associate Activity, you will have to associate an Activity.
Fail Task A Task that has not been completed as required. Select the date and time that the Task was failed on. Give the Reason for Variance (this drop-down can be configurable). Add variance description notes as needed.
Restart a previously failed task In some cases, you can restart a previously failed Task. Click Restart Previously Failed Task and select the date and time you would like the Task to restart on. There may be cases where there are no options to restart the Task once the Task has been failed. If this is the case, the Pathway must be abandoned.
Abandon Pathway You can abandon a Pathway at any Task or Stage in the Pathway if it is no longer appropriate for the service user.

Your Care Partner system may use different terms from the ones in these examples, depending on what your system administrator has specified, but the principle of the above terms still stand.