Resolved issues
Changes in this version include:
- A security vulnerability relating to the granting of access permissions (discovered during the annual Care Partner penetration testing) has been resolved. This vulnerability could only have been exploited as part of a cyber attack by manipulating API requests directly - it did not affect the user front end.
- A bug has been resolved which was preventing visibility on the Service User ‘Summary’ tab of ‘Involvements’ for Centre(s) of Care which the logged-in user does not belong to.
Admin Tools (New User Wizard):
For customers who have Care Partner configured to allow many-to-one assignment of ‘Staff Members’ to ‘Users’, two issues have been resolved with the ‘Add User’ wizard:
- Fixed issue with scrolling whilst using the wizard (which was occurring on smaller screen resolutions).
- Fixed incorrect validation triggered when adding a new Staff Member as part of adding a new User (the new Staff Member was not being auto-assigned to the new User at the point of being created).
Admin Tools (Staff Members):
- An issue has been resolved whereby if some text was added or updated within the new ‘Additional information’ field (available when adding or editing a Staff Member), the text was then being incorrectly appended to the Surname field at each update.
Changes in this version include:
Admin Tools:
- Access Management > Staff member: Page toggle displayed incorrect number of staff members. A bug has been fixed where inactive staff members were displaying in the total number and affecting the number of results displayed on the staff members page.
- The broadcast message is now visible after login if Active Directory integration is turned on.
Changes in this version include:
Bulk Export
- Bulk export is now aware of repeating elements within activities . Depending on form configuration, this will allow attachments to be exported if numerous attachments were uploaded to an activity.
- Access rights updated to prevent attachments uploaded to activities with sensitive data restrictions from being exported as part of the bulk export function.
We have resolved the following issues:
Care Plans:
- Care plan copy forward can target the wrong source care plan if a newer form-based care plan exists after the last key-item based care plan. This resulted in nothing being copied forward.
- Key item based care plans allow a second care plan to be opened when one is in review. Additional validation added to prevent this until original care plan has been reviewed.
- Guidance notes are displaying in an expanded view on closed forms even if ‘Show Guidance’ is disabled in Admin Tools.
- Clicking a linked activity within the Activity History function directed the user back to the log in screen.
Admin Tools:
- Within the Admin Tools > Forms screen, the ‘Show Guidance’ setting has been renamed to ‘Always Show Guidance’ to provide clarity around this setting.
- When performing a Bulk Export in Care Partner and toggling ‘Service User Details’ to export without making a selection between ‘Personal Details’ and ‘Other Personal Details’, a red toast message appears and errors are thrown in the logs.
The following issues have been resolved in v2024.1 of Care Partner:
Bespoke development - iGrow
- Exports failed with the error “Supplied ViewId is null” when triggered from a Key Item Review form. Update to include data export from Key Item Reviews.
Care Plans:
- ‘Something unexpected went wrong’ when deleting a form-based Care Plan.
When creating backdating a Care Plan, the validation message ordering was confused. The following business logic is applied:
- Users cannot open a new Care Plan for the same Centre of Care until the existing Care Plan has a closed Review -There is no override method around this.
- Users shouldn’t open a new Care Plan for a date which is before the date of last activity - if this is required however then this can be done via the date override screen.
- ‘Sex’ data item displays as “undefined” on the Care Plan print preview
- Checkboxes don’t auto-calculate without a page refresh.
- When exporting, toast notification that displays whilst a letter is exporting from a letter template is shown in red - changed to blue for consistency across the system.
- When exporting to PDF and selecting to include guidance, headers and guidance notes were missing from the exports
- Activities count on Involvement summary includes form based Care Plans.
- When entering a search term into the Diagnosis search field when adding a diagnosis, if the term entered returns no results one of the hierarchy branches will be added to the end of the hierarchy expanded view.
Bulk Export & Bulk Print Wizards:
- ‘Date removed’ is missing for historical diagnoses on .PDF document.
- The ‘Involvement’ field is missing for each diagnosis in the diagnoses.PDF document.
- The styling of the .PDF export document for diagnosis is inconsistent with other .PDF outputs. Styling of this document has been made consistent across the system.
- Cancel button when editing an existing security role does not work correctly
Group Calendar:
- Unable to set attendance on recurring events when a Service User is removed
Configurable terms updates:
- Terms - Ascending/descending sort order is not correct
- Placeholder ‘{sexName}’ is shown in the Audit when a ‘Sex’ is added/updated/activated/deactivated
- Placeholder ‘{genderName}’ is shown in the Audit when a ‘Gender’ is added/updated/activated/deactivated
- Service user search results table is not using configurable terms ‘Date of Birth’ and ‘‘Service User Identifier’
- The ‘Settings’ menu is not displaying the configurable term for ‘Care Plans’
- The ‘What’ step in the Bulk Export/Bulk Print Export wizards is not displaying the configurable term for ‘Activities’
- The tooltip for the Bulk Print wizard is not displaying the configurable term for ‘Service User’
- The download notification for the Bulk Export/Bulk Print wizards is not displaying the configurable term for ‘Service User’
- Fields in some of the files within the Bulk Export/Bulk Print wizards are not using the configurable terms
- Terms that are multi-part but can be saved without configuring all parts e.g. plurals
- Move activity modal - ‘Activities’, ‘Care Plans’ and ‘Care Plan’ don’t match their configured terms
- Admin - The naming of a number of the parent and child ‘Access Control’ nodes don’t match their configured terms: Activity, Activities, Care Plans, Involvements, Pathways