Assigning a Department Event

Assigning forms to an event allows you to see an overview of the forms linked to patients at particular stages of a research study.

Once you have started a form you can assign it to an event.

Each department/research study may be assigned one or more events to which form instances can be allocated to represent events in the patient’s enrollment. For example, there might be three forms that need completing as part of the follow-up process. As you complete each form, you can assign it to the Follow-up event which will populate the Event Overview chart, showing the form completion status for each event.

The option to Assign an Event is available in the panel on the right of a form. It can be configured so that an Event may only be assigned once the form has been marked as Finished. It can also be configured so that multiple forms of the same type can be assigned to one Event.

Choose the relevant Event from the drop-down.

If you need to remove the event assigned to a form click the red cross to the right of the event name.

Events are configured by a system administrator and rely on Form Groups being configured. For more information refer to the Forms Groups and Department Events sections in the Administration guidance.