Department Events

Before creating a department event ensure you create a Form Group first.

Select the Department Events tab to create or edit a Department/Registry Event. These are required for the Department Event Overview chart functionality.

Click Add Event and you will be asked for information about the Event.

  • Name: The name of the Event. The name must differ from existing events within the Department you are trying to assign it to.
  • Days Since Time Zero: The target date for the Department Event to be completed. For example: If you have a core enrollment event and all other event targets center around the enrollment event, the core enrollment event would be set to 0 days, but a 6 month follow-up event (which occurs after enrollment) would have Days since time zero set to 182 days.
  • Allow Multiple Instances: If enabled, this Event can be assigned to multiple form instances.
  • Department: The associated Department (only this Department will be able to use this Event).
  • Form Group: Select the relevant Form Group to be assigned to this Event. 

Once Form Groups and Department Events have been configured, your Event will be available to assign to a form on the data entry screen, once the form has been saved.