Unregistered People

The Unregistered People tab shows a list of people who have been added as a contact in a patient’s record, but are not identified in Atmoforms as patients or staff members.

For example, a doctor could be listed as a contact for multiple patients but wouldn’t necessarily be listed as staff or have a user account for Atmoforms, so would be found in the Unregistered People list.

Reusable unregistered people

In the Admin > People > Unregistered People tab, you can make a person Reusable.

When a person has been set as Reusable in the Admin module, they will show in the Contact drop-downs when adding a new Contact for a patient.

Editing unregistered people

You can view and edit the personal details of an Unregistered Person by clicking on their name. A history of any changes can be seen in the right-hand column.

Deactivating unregistered people

You can remove the Unregistered Person from Atmoforms by using the Actions button and deactivating the Unregistered Person.

They will then be found in the Inactive screen of the Unregistered People list.

When an Unregistered Person is Inactive, they will no longer show in the drop-down for Existing Contacts when adding a Professional or Personal Contact. They can be reactivated at any time by an administrator.

A record of the Contact will still show in Atmoforms in the patient’s record when deactivated.