Formatting of Form Guidance

We have made improvements to the way that guidance notes are displayed within the forms.

This allows us to apply specific types of formatting (known as ‘mark-down’) such as bullet-point lists, tables, headers and bold text - which should make long pieces of guidance easier to read and digest.

The size of the guidance text field itself has also been restricted so that long pieces of guidance do not overwhelm the form entry page - a scroll bar is available for guidance notes which exceed the maximum size of the field.

The new formatting will be applied to the generic ‘Formulate for SEND Needs Profile - V4’ as standard.

Any Formulate for SEND organisations with a bespoke form template, will need to contact their Imosphere representative to request that the formatting be applied.

Organisations using any other Formulate model should also contact their Imosphere representative to request the new formatting.

Please note: as a result of this change, the option to include guidance within the PDF export will no longer be available.