Getting Started

Logging in

Formulate Portal (CareCalc) is accessed via your internet browser. We advise using the latest version of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge for the best experience.

You will have been provided with the URL (web address link) for your organisation by either your system administrator or an Imosphere representative - you can add this to your Bookmarks so it’s easy to find in the future.

To log in, use the username and password provided.

If this is your first time logging in:

  1. You will be presented with the system ‘End User Licence Agreement’ (EULA) - and will need to scroll down to the end of the information, then accept the EULA. You cannot use the system without accepting the EULA.
  2. You will then need to choose a new unique password. Choose something secure and memorable, but hard for others to guess. Your organisation may use a password manager which will help keep your passwords secure. The below rules must be adhered to when setting your password:

    • Choose a password which is minimum of 8 characters
    • Include a mixture of numbers, upper and lower case letters and symbols

If you’ve forgotten your password, select the Forgotten username or password link and enter your email address. This email address must be the same as your username for the application. You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password. If this does not arrive straight way, please wait up to 15 minutes and check your junk email folder.

Changing your password

Once logged in you can change your password. To do this, click on your initials (in the top-right corner of the screen) and select Your Account.

You can now set your new password - following the same complexity rules. Keep your new password somewhere safe.

You can also amend your user details in this section - for example, if you need to amend your name or your title.

Finding your way around

You can also access other areas of the system from the navigation bar - not just your account.

  1. 1

    Budget Calculation Lists

    A list of previously completed or in-progress forms, and access to start new forms. This is described more in the next help article.

  2. 2

    Data Explorer

    Dashboards showing data insights related to your Formulate data. Data Explorer also includes the Extract function to extract Formulate data from Formulate Portal into a spreadsheet format.

    This tab is only available to those with ‘Elevated’ user access permissions.

  3. 3

    Give Feedback

    An area for users to send feedback on the application. You can give the screen you are on a star rating and provide addition comment. 

    Please note:

    Do not type client identifiable information within this comments box - Information here will be sent directly to Imosphere Ltd.

  4. 4

    Knowledge Base

    A direct link from the system to this Knowledge Base, to access how-to-guides and help when you are using the system.

  5. 5

    Your Account

    For managing your password and other account details. Administrative users access user management from here.