Budget Calculation Lists

Budget Calculation Lists are lists of all individuals who have had one or more forms started or completed within the system. These can be found under the ‘Budget Calculations’ tab on the black header menu. 

There are different types of lists to help you easily find and filter forms. These are described below.

My List

My List shows all the individuals for whom you have opened a form. This will include past forms and Formulate calculations you’ve completed, and your current ‘in progress’ forms.

Service Area list

All individuals who’ve had a form opened within a particular Service Area. Service Areas are used to define the structure of an organisation within the system - they may represent a particular team, or department. Service Areas can be used to define which forms can be used by different members of staff, and allow forms to be associated with individuals.

For many organisations using the system, there will only be one Service Area, so this list will show all individuals in your organisation.

If your organisation has more than one Formulate model - for example, for Adults and Children, or for different areas, this will show you those groups of individuals

Caseload list

This lists individuals by the staff member responsible for opening forms. This list can be useful if handing over work between staff members.