Filling out form changes
There have been a couple of changes to the form pages in v2022.1.2. These changes have been made in order to streamline the screens to make it easier for users to enter information into CareCalc.
Progress bar
The progress bar in CareCalc has been turned off by default. This allows for more room on the screen to utilise the section menu on the left-hand side.
New ‘Clear’ button
In v2022.1.2, there is a new ‘Clear’ button when filling in the ‘Who is this form for?’ section. This is to be used if a user accidentally clicks the wrong identifier when searching.
Re-assess auto-populate changes
In previous versions of CareCalc, answers that were auto-filled (indicated by the magic wand icon) would not be retained when a user reassessed. This has now been changed to ensure that these answers are also included in the reassessed version of the form.
Register new identifier confirmation
In v2022.1.2 there is now a confirmation screen when attempting to register a new identifier to the application from the form screen. The user can either confirm or cancel the registration.