Other Administrative Functions

Please contact your Imosphere representative if you need any help with any of the following configuration settings:

  • The format of your local identifier, and any guidance text regarding the local identifier for your organisation.
  • Staff access and permissions - for example, to different forms or teams, or to allow staff members to delete completed forms.
  • The display of guidance text and the progress bar when editing forms.
  • Formulate, and the outputs displayed.
  • The amount of time before activities become ‘overdue’ (this is set to 30 days as default).
  • The amount of time before draft forms can be deleted (this is set to 36 hours as default).
  • Terminology used in the system - for example:

    • The term for the individual receiving the Formulate calculation (this could be Individual, Service User, Pupil or Carer, for example)
    • The term for Estimated Budget
    • The term for Form
    • The term for Service Area (this could be changed to Team or Location, for example)
    • The drop-down list of reasons for deleting forms