Answer Options

  1. 1


    Change the default answer option. Only one answer can be selected as a default. Default answer options can be used when closing an activity in your Imosphere data entry solution (Fill unanswered questions with default answers), or when using autocomplete functionality.

  2. 2


    Untick this to exclude an answer option from the drop-down list. This is useful when reusing answer groups with slight differences (reusing should be done as often as possible).

  3. 3


    Edit an answer option. Change term text, change or add help text, change score (if unpublished).

  4. 4


    Add a new child answer option.

  5. 5


    Delete an answer option. This option won’t appear if the answer option has appeared on a published form.

  6. 6


    Drag and drop here to rearrange the ordering of answer options.

  7. 7

    Show unused options

    Toggle on or off to hide or show any answer options not marked as Include.