Debugging: Why is auto-complete not working?
If your auto-completable section is not working as expected in your Imosphere data entry solution, use the below steps for solving common problems.
The section isn’t displaying as auto-completable in your Imosphere data entry solution
Heading: Check that the heading for your auto-complete section is at top level. It cannot be indented or a sub-heading.
First question after the trigger: Ensure that the first question after the trigger question is a drop-down or radio button type. Anything else will not register as an auto-complete section.
Line options: Check that this form item requires manual entry has not been selected for any questions you want to auto-complete.
Admin Settings: Within your Imosphere data entry solution, click your initials and then Admin Page > Settings. Scroll down to Proportionality settings. Ensure Enable Auto Complete sections is set to Yes.
The wrong answer is being filled in
Defaults: Check that the answer you’re expecting is marked as default.
Line options: Check that Default answer for autofill is set to the correct option (null/answer).